Dear Interested!

We welcome you Credo on the website of burial! Inside the burial trade
our firm the scope of activity of his departed funeral cooks/the organizing of his cremation,
The overall administration of funerals, inland departed transports or
the international dead person transports is happening on his lip and his neighbourhood.

The family understands in case of mourning expedient to ask a council promptly the
on a phone number which can be called on a weekend day and night,
that let the exemplary one receive information from agendas.
We help the person who is szerettét with everything according to our best knowledge,
lost his relative: funeral the management of transacting his organization,
overall one, official cases, the purchase of documents.
We strive for fulfilling the mourners' wishes maximally,
and let us take an all kinds of burden off their shoulder.
We go to house even after a telephonic negotiation, and we talk it over
with the funeral there related ones to be arranged.

We try to be equal to our customers' material opportunities with our prices.